
Datatransferpricing;Next9.999TB/Month,$0.09perGB;Next40TB/Month,$0.085perGB;Next100TB/Month,$0.07perGB;Greaterthan150TB/Month ...,AmazonS3pricing;AllStorage/Month,$0.0036perGB;S3GlacierDeepArchive***-Forlong-termdataarchivingthatisaccessedonceortwiceinayearand ...,尋找AmazonS3GlacierAPI的儲存、擷取和請求定價詳細資訊。,2019年3月27日—Fromjust$0.00099perGB-month(lessthanone-tenthofonecent,orabout...

Amazon S3 Glacier API Pricing

Data transfer pricing ; Next 9.999 TB / Month, $0.09 per GB ; Next 40 TB / Month, $0.085 per GB ; Next 100 TB / Month, $0.07 per GB ; Greater than 150 TB / Month ...

Amazon S3 Simple Storage Service Pricing

Amazon S3 pricing ; All Storage / Month, $0.0036 per GB ; S3 Glacier Deep Archive *** - For long-term data archiving that is accessed once or twice in a year and ...

Amazon S3 Glacier 服務(適用於保存庫的Glacier API) 定價

尋找Amazon S3 Glacier API 的儲存、擷取和請求定價詳細資訊。

Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive AWS Storage Gateway ...

2019年3月27日 — From just $0.00099 per GB-month (less than one-tenth of one cent, or about $1 per TB-month), S3 Glacier Deep Archive offers the lowest cost ...

Amazon S3 Glacier

It is designed to deliver 99.999999999 percent durability, with comprehensive security and compliance capabilities that can help meet even the most stringent ...

How much does it cost to save 1 TB in Amazon S3 Glacier ...

2022年6月19日 — It costs $297 asuming an average filesize of 1 MB and that you recover the data once. Price calculation. The calculation below excludes Free ...

AWS Glacier Pricing

S3 Glacier is a very low-cost cloud storage offering from Amazon Web Services (AWS). It's around $.005 per GB per month, or $5/TB per month to store your ...

Amazon Glacier Pricing Guide

2017年11月7日 — Amazon S3 Glacier Transfer Out Pricing · 1GB each month is free. · 9.999 TB/ month - $0.09/ GB · Next 40 TB/ month - $0.085/ GB · Next 100 TB/ month ...

S3 Glacier Deep Archive

2021年12月31日 — The normal, not B2, Backblaze service ( is only $7 a month (and cheaper by the year), no cost to ...

S3 Glacier Deep Archive pricing?

2023年9月22日 — The cost to retrieve from Glacier: 2c /GB + $0.10 per 1000 objects hence $200 for 10 TB plus $100 for 1 million objects. Once restored, there ...